It's fantastic how time marches on! Here it is the middle of May already, and six months as President almost behind me, and I have at least two years worth of projects to launch in the next six months ....WOW!
The President of an organization has many responsibilities. Perhaps one of the most important, especially in a volunteer organization, is to see that encouragment and recognition is given for a job well done. "Giving credit where credit is due" will boost membership morale, the ego, the psyche, or whatever. A certain minimum is expected from everyone. But when people consistently turn out for work parties, or contribute a Report item, execute a project, etc., then these persons should receive recognition. It shouldn't be difficult to praise people. Let's face it, the only thing keeping all of us going on this Museum project is pride in accomplishment; when you consider all the man-hours some members put into this thing, a little recognition is small compensation. But isn't it wonderfull! All that we need to keep our nose to the grindstone is a little encouragement once in a while.
So I charge all members to use our house organ, Report, to pat a fellow or gal on the back publically. It is the responsibility of work party supervisors, department heads, committee chairmen, in fact, all of us, to report on the members that put out that something extra! Jerry Windle, Report Editor, can't possibly keep track of every member single-handed; it is up to YOU to get him the information.
A BUST? - The attendance at the April 18th General Meeting was a big disappointment to your officers and directors. Only thirteen persons, including two guests, were present. WHY???! We offered a beautiful new meeting place... one of the nicest facilities in San Diego. The program of l930ish steam railroad motion pictures was very entertaining. I am at a loss to know what it is that keeps membership away in droves... We all suffer by not enjoying the fellowship and opportunity to meet with one another at the General Meetings. Until PSRMA has permanent facilities the General Meetings are usually the only chance many of us get to see each other. The July 18th meeting is going to be extra special and I expect to see at least fifty members present!
Attention Ladies - What would we do without you all? PSRMA has many projects where the distaff side can contribute toward Museum goals: Work parties, excursions, office assignments, refreshments, programs, etc. In fact one member's wife was right in there doing heavy and dirty work during the time the Santa Fe yard office was being dismantled! So if any females want to help on projects please let our General Manager, Dave Parkinson, know about your interests and talents. This will also have the added benefit in that you will not be left home when Hubby goes out to a work party.
EXECUTIVES WANTED - Two very critical positions in the PSRMA Administrative Staff are vacant. We need a couple of real dedicated persons, real drivers, go-getters, and knowledgeable members to fill these vacancies. The slots are: 1. Publicity Department Head, and 2. Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee. These positions, if vacant for very long, will definitely be detrimental to PSRMA fortunes. They concern our public image and the acquisition of funds. If we falter in these areas PSRMA might as well throw in the towel.
CORONADO POSTSCRIPT - Issue 77 of the Report omitted mention of the guiding light of this most successful event. Dick Pennick, Chairman of the Board of PSRMA, spearheaded the project. It was his enthusiasm that resulted in considerable TV and newspaper publicity for PSRMA. Without the assistance of Wally Barber, Dave Parkinson and Eric Sanders, Dick wouldn't have had a successful event. Well done to all!
H. Chalmers Kerr, Jr.