SDCRMA'S FIRST EXCURSION TRAINby Wallace Duthie, vice president and excursion director
The San Diego County Railway Museum Association is happy to have you along on its first excursion which, unfortunately, coincides with the approaching demise of the last electric lines in Southern California ...
The itinerary for the day is as follows;
7 a.m. Leave Kettner & Broadway via California Bus Tours (division of San Diego Transit System).
10 a.m. Leave Georgia Street Division 20 via special chartered Los Angeles Metropolitan Transit Authority street car (through Tanner Gray Line Motor Tours) Route: llth-Broadway-lst Street to 1st & Chicago loop, turnback on the P line.
10:30 a.m. Lv. 1st & Chicago via 1st-Broadway-llth-Figueroa-Pico-Vermont-7th-San Pedro-Avalon-Vernon-Pacific-Florence-Seville to Palm Place loop. (P,R,S and J lines).
12:07 p.m. Lv. Palm Place loop via Seville-Florence-Pacific-Vernon-Hoover-48th St. prow to Vermont. (J,V, off line).
12:50 p.m. Lv. 48th & Vermont via Vermont-8th to Western (V,S).
1:15 p.m. Lv. 8th & Western loop via 8th-Vermont and 3rd to Gramercy wye. (S, V and R lines).
l:35 p.m. Lv. 3rd & Gramercy wye via 3rd-Vermont-7th-Boyle-Whittier to Brannick St. loop (R line). Return via Whittier-Boyle and 7th to Figueroa.
3 p.m. Continue on 7th to Vermont to First & Vermont loop. Return via Vermont-Pico-Georgia to Division 20.
4 p.m. Bus to Knott's Berry Farm 6:30 p.m. Dinner.
8:00 (approx.) Lv. for San Diego The number and location of photo stops will be somewhat limited, and there will be only one run-by for movie cameras This will be on the 48th Street private right-of-way. Excursionists will disembark and walk ahead. LAMTA operating rules do not allow the operator to back the car for photo stops. In order to avoid delaying regular service cars and interfering with automobile traffic still photos will be taken only at line terminals.
All excursionists are urged to observe common sense safety precautions in getting on and off the car and in crossing streets Avoid taking pictures from the middle of the highway. Do not tamper with any LAMTA equipment on the car or on company property.
Operators' rest rooms are located at the end of each line and our operator will loan you the key as and when needed. Please note that we will not stop while traveling between terminal points.
No matter how carefully a trip is planned there are instances when last minute changes are necessary. Rest assured that we have tried to do everything possible to make your trip an enjoyable one.
Space has been reserved for a group dinner (pick up your own tab) in the Steak House at Knott's Berry Farm. We will sit down at 6:30 p.m., so that we can take in as many sights as possible and not have to stand in line.
More trips may be planned - some of them exclusively of railfan interest and some for general.sightseeing. Travel may be by train, bus, plane or combination and domestic or international. Have a good time.
The San Diego County Railway Museum Association at the close of the February 10 meeting found itself blessed with a new Constitution and some new operating procedures.
Members accepted the Constitution and standing rules which provided for a miniimum of six meetings a year and annual dues of $2.
1963 officers elected at the meeting are:.Eric Sanders, president; Wallace Duthie, vice president; Terry Durkin, secretary; and Charles Gerdes, treasurer. First action, of the new president was to request approval of the appointment of outgoing president Al Diamond as museum committee chairman. Approval was granted.
The $2 annual dues are payable on an anniversary basis with maximum advance payment limited to an 18-months period.
First Association priority will be given to the formulation of plans for establish ing and operating a railway museum.
Two former San Diego & Arizona Eastern Railway Company employees will relate their experiences at the April meeting. SDERy's Route 16 will be the topic at a later meeting.
Individual museum-type activity is already underway. Member Charles Gerdes is engaged in the restoration of a one-time SDERy Birney car. Gerdes and Douglas Duncan are also expecting to restore a horse car. Terry Durkin boasts ownership of the Mission Valley & Southern, featuring section crew mobile equipment. Bill Wootton, Gary Johnson, Tom Matson and George Geyer work from time to time on RHSofSD-owned equipment and on OET right-of-way.
Wally Duthie was delegated responsibility for the operation of the March 3 LAMTA trolley excursion. Appointed to assist him were: Jack Stodelle, publicity; George Geyer, hospitality; Charles Gerdes, finances; and Bill Wootton & Gary Johnson, routing.
Walter Hayward and Terry Durkin have volunteered for museum activity.
Terry Durkin will assume partial responsibility for the publication of Report.
Charles Gerdes will determine exact membership and will arrange for a bank account.