

a little time for a drive.

In San Diego, the trackage of the San Diego & Arizona Eastern on the north side of "L" Street between 6th and 14th streets once was a part of the NC&O main line.

More trackage in National City once part of the NC&O is on Cleveland Avenue, with the spur serving Ace Metal being a part of the main line to Otay. At one time the area just to the south of Ace Metal was the Roundhouse and shops of the National City & Otay.

Many traces of roadbed abandoned after the 1916 flood still remain in various places. Traces of the old line out of Sweetwater Valley into Chula Vista are plainly evident between the present day Second and Third Avonue on the south slopes of the valley. Below in the valley, once lay Sweetwater Junction and a siding with stub switches.

The old main line to the south ran down Third Avenue in Chula Vista to Otay and the Border. The SD&AE used part of this trackage between "F" Street and "K" Street until 1960. Street cars of the San Diego Electric also ran there until 1924. Now, in 1968 all traces are gone from Third Avenue.

In Spring Canyon, near Sweetwater Dam, bridge abutments and the cuts through the granite still mark the way that steam engines once pulled their trains to La Presa, now a part of Spring Valley. The old abutments and cuts now carry a large water line, still being in use of the public,

One other short trace of track remains in the form of the San Diego and Arizona Eastern Standard Oil spur at Palm City. This is part of the line that ran to the border monument. Just look, because parts of the line are still there.


1. Sixty interested citizens have donated to locomotive acquisition project. As contributing members they are invited to attend PSRMA's meetings. Perhaps some of them will attend the Sunday, May 19 meeting. Will regular members make a special effort to be present. See Tom Matson's fine films and possibly meet some new members.

2. Last departures of Santa Fe's one-time "number one" train, "The Chief," were scheduled for Monday, May 13, from the respective Chicago and Los Angeles terminals. "The Chief" first ran in 1926. In 1929, "The Chief," Trains 19 and 20, was billed: "The CHIEF is chief. Chief because it is finest - Chief because it is fastest. Extra fine - extra fast - extra fare. Saves a business day." Valet, maid, barber service and bath, ladies' lounge, shower bath, maid-manicure service. It was an all-Pullman train!